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Stingin' Belle

You say love
I say killing time
What's mine is yours
And yours is mine
You make me lose
I make you cry
I guess that rhymesYou're contained
By flourescent walls
I'm contained
By your control
You're overthrown
But underworn
I told you soWe're singing for the stingin' belle
She's clearly lost her way
Craving all the simple times
Inside her tragic dayGrow some balls
And speak your mind
You think you're cool
Like a porcupine
You're more like doves
That are taking flight
The sky is mineWe're singing… We're singing for the stingin' belle
She's clearly lost her way
Craving all the simple times
Inside her tragic dayWe're singing for the stingin' belle
She's clearly lost her way
Craving all the simple times
Inside her tragic dayUne erreur s'est produite. Les paroles n'ont pas été traduites.RéessayerTraduire en français
Next song: Modern Magic Formula(shortcut: →)

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